Thursday, April 28, 2011

Finally...I'm Back!

HEELLOO!!! Well it certainly has been some time since a new post here. Let me get situated and tell you what's new and what to expect here.

New stuff I've been up to is, well not new, but I'm still taking photos. Been learning some new areas such as using a dedicated flash. Wow, I love using flash in my photography now! Its a new curve to get used to, but the end results look so much more professional. Also got out and bought myself a new lens for my Nikon. The Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 Micro. This thing is a beast. Literally! The thing is heavy and bulky, but very well made. I'm glad I ordered it before Nikon increased the prices on their lenses. So pretty much flash and up-close macro are my new babies right now. Bought a few other gear for carrying and organizing.

The other big thing is, I now have an "Official" photography site. I'm super psyched that its complete and up and running. Took me about a month to complete with NO WEB-BUILDING experience (maybe a little through college). helped me get it up and running. Check it out, my new site: Matt Moser Photoworks.

I would like to continue to update my blog on new photos posted. The new thing I want to do is give you an in-depth look at how I shoot each photo I post and also show you a behind the scene look at my setup. I think it only fair to show my recipes and tips with everyone else, since I learned a lot from other photographers.

Now that I updated my blog with a Flickr gadget to view all my new images submitted, I can ignore posting annoying links for each post. Thank you Blogger!


About Me

My photo
North Canton, Ohio, United States
Currently my profession is graphic design, but photography is my long devoted hobby. Photography has open new doors to my creativity and helps my overall designs. Eventually I plan on offer my services to the local community. Stay tuned!
